
Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

2nd Netball Session

Netball was so amazing.
Today we learnt about stepping in netball and how to get rid of the attacker.As we learnt, we played a game using chest passing. We were so into the game  we were screaming our lungs out.

Learning new things in netball was really high spirited.I hope I learn more about netball, next time.

1st Netball Session

As we ran with our exciting faces to the court, we met a lady from the Kiwisport to give us some tips on Netball.

We started with a warm up because everyone was too excited about playing netball for the term, we ran with laughter.

My favourite learning session was when we had a game at the end. The aim of the game was to run and grab the the ball from the centre of the court and run back to your team.As you run you had to use your Cheas Passing skills to pass throughout your team members.As you fininsh passing to your team members you would have to run back to the center of the court and throw the ball back to the hoop.

At the netball session I learnt heaps about Chess Passing with the ball and how to increase the level of speed of the ball.
I can’t wait till the next session.

Te Reo Lesson

L.I: To learn simple Maori words.

This is what I learnt from just 1 day.

Next time I would learn more words to improve my languages.

Te Reo Maori
Greeting to 2 people
Kia Ora Koutou
To 1 person
Tena Koe
Hello to you too
Tena Korua
Hello to you
Tena Koutou
To all
Tena Koutou Katoa
Greeting,Greeting, greeting to you all
Tena koutou, tena koutou, katoa
Hello to you friend
Tena Koe ehoa
Hello to you boys
Tena korua e tamama
Elderly lady,Hello to you
E kui,tena koe
Elderly man, greetings to you.
E koro ma,Tena Koutou

The Caravan Experience

Today at school our principal got us an amazing experience on how to improve the sustainability of stopping the world from pollution. At the caravan we lean't how to stop the world from polluting the ozone layer and how to improve the pollution.

At the caravan we looked at the distance we travel from home to school and how much pollution we make from that?.

In the hall we learn about E-Wise.We learnt about wasting the goods. Like for example a computer desktop.Inside the desktop it’s got Gold, Silver and Copper.   

Learning more about the earth makes me think about the future and how are we going to make the future a better place for our family.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Learning Geometry.

Geometry Shapes

L.I: Learning to identify and name 2-D and 3-D shapes.

Triange: It has 3 sides and 3 angels
 Square: It has a 4 sides and 4 angels.
 Rectangel: It has a 90 deggres angel.
Pentagon: It has 5 sides and 5 angels

  Hexagon: It has 6 sides and 6 angels

Octogon: It has 8 sides and it has 8 angels
A septagon or heptagon: It has 7 sides
 A Nonegone: It has 9 sides
A Decagon: It has 9 sides.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Learning How To Ride A Bike

Before you ride a bike
You have to check:

  • You’ve got to check the BRAKES
  • The brakes are in the front of the handes.

  • Next is the Wheels
  • As you check the wheels, you had to see if the tread of the wheels were still there.

  • After that is Bolts
  • You check the bolts by looking at the First Release.

  • Last of all is the Reflectors
  • Reflectors are really important, especially when you're on the road.
  • To see if the reflectors working you’ve got to  shine a light at it from a distance.

J.S taught us about what we’ve got to wear when riding a bike.

  • On your feet you’ve got to wear closed shoes.
  • On you legs you’ve got to wear shorts. If you were baggy pants then you could roll them up or rubber band them.
  • To wear on top you would have to wear a bright coloured shirt.You also have to wear a reflectors jacket.

Next he told us about how to put on our safety helmets
  • To put on your helmet you had to, lower down your hair, because it would not be safe for your head, if it was knocked to the ground.
  • Last you’ve got to tighten up the ropes. You’ve got to make a letter y on the left and on the right you’ve got to use a letter v.

The Practical

“Finally the time has come” as I stand nervously.
As new beginner's Gemima and I went down to the juniors to learn how to ride a bike.

As we learnt we found it hard to turn the bicycle. As we finished our first trial we went to J.S to find out some tips on how to turn your bike.
He gave us a demonstration. To have a nice turn you would have to same some speed for your bike. Then you would have to use the speed to give a nice turn. As you turn you would have to  put down the leg you turn to. Eg if you turned to the left then you put down your left.

On that day I learnt how to ride a bike.
As I ride on the road I will keep these tips in mind.

The Wheelmobile

Today I read chapter 1 of The Wheel mobile.
On Sunshine Online I read level 30.
I am really proud of myself.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Netball Session

Netball was so amazing.
Today we learnt about stepping in netball and how to get rid of the attacker.As we learnt, we played a game using cheas passing. We were so into the game  we were screaming our lungs out.

Learning new things in netball was really high spirited.I hope I learn more about netball, next time.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Mother's Day

Celebrating Mother’s Day with the family was awesome.
We celebrated by blessing the mother’s in my family.we sang with laughter.
Mother’s day is important to me because my mum would teach me about life and what to do in the past. That’s why my mum is special to me.

Karaoke Kate


Today I read about Karaoke Kate by Dale Harcombe
I am able to understand the story and complete all the related activies. I am proud of myself 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Travelwise Painting

Today I decided to paint a picture using Studyladder to show how much I leant about Travel Wise.
The people from the Auckland Transport is trying to make people get out of cars and walking or scootering or biking. I think it could be good for the future. We wouldn't want to breathe in  air full of pollution.

Studyladder Reading

Today I scored 9 points in my Reading.The aim of the game was to unscramble the words.
Next time I would try to score 10 points.

Easter To Me!!

The religious people like, the Christians celebrate the days when Jesus Christ resurrection from his grave.Christians believe that he rose from the dead because of god he lead him through the pain when he was on the cross.people in those days though Jesus was bad and they were jealous of him.So they decided to kill him but the other people who believed in god trying to stop them from killing him.

Christians also celebrate it by doing a holy communion.You drink wine and eat bread.The wine is for the blood of Jesus and the bread is for the flesh.

Easter is also celebrated by parents and grandparents buying chocolate Easter eggs and Easter bunnies.

Easter is a very happy celebration for the past  5 days of the story of GOOD Friday,Holy Saturday,Easter Sunday,Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday for the story of Jesus Christ.

Family Buzz

As I walked through the crowded hallway, I found my family all bunched up. As i walked i saw a familiar face in the corner.I looked closer at the person, I looked so close she stared at me. Then she said “Hi” I asked in a eager way “ are you on t.v” then she said in a aglow way “ oh i'm ashley tonga from x factor” I was so so vivaction that i jumped and screamed. I was so happy she was my cousin.

we talked about music and how we were related, which was really unusual and hard to get in my little brain.

as we talked i found out that we both love to sing and dance and goof around too. she said it runs in the family. So then we laughed.

Meeting the rest of the  family made me realised that every family must have something in common, like singing and dancing and especially goofing around.

To me family is really important because family can teach you different things like how to sing or dance and meet people.Family is a  really  good thing in your life. you meet people that you would like to be in your life too.
Especially they teach you about life.

Netball With Kiwi Sport

As we ran with our exciting faces to the court, we met a lady from the Kiwisport to give us some tips on Netball.

We started with a warm up because everyone was too excited about playing netball for the term, we ran with laughter.

My favourite learning session was when we had a game at the end. The aim of the game was to run and grab the the ball from the centre of the court and run back to your team.As you run you had to use your Chest Passing skills to pass throughout your team members.As you finish passing to your team members you would have to run back to the centre of the court and throw the ball back to the hoop.

At the netball session I learnt heaps about Chest Passing with the ball and how to increase the level of speed of the ball.
I can’t wait till the next session.


This week I accomplished Silver.
I hope I get a Goal.

Using 10 x's to Multiply by 9

L.I:Use x 10 to multiply by 9 or multiply by 11

Today Mrs Raj tough me how to multiply by 10 if you didn't know your 9's. It would be easier to use your 10 x's to help with your maths problems.

(you guys might know the answer but its a demo)
5 x 9=
5 x 10= 50 -5= 45

Scooter Lesson

Today everyone learnt how to scoot, especially near Carparks or sneaky driveways.
Today the tips we learnt about was what to do when riding your scooter across the Pedestrian crossing.
I felt lucky to have a professional scooterist in our school teaching us about scootering.  
I hope she would come back to teach us more.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Gods Angel In Earth

My Mum is a special person in my life.My mum helps me through my whole entire life when I struggle or get embarrassed.(mostly)

Even though you get angry and upset for what we do, but mum you still love me.
Mum you've tough me about how to be respectful and take me to the right path in life.

So Thank You Mum For Everything.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Studyladder Money Problms

This work sheet was given to us on Studyladder to complete from our Teachers.When I completed it I checked it and worked hard on the problems that were wrong. So I hope that I would learn on my mistakes.
Next time I will improve and get everything right.


On Studyladder I passed my World Series Numeracy.I played people from Australia which made me nervous if I would win or not.
 Working with Studyladder made me confident that I could achieve my goals moving little by little.