The NZ Giant Weta
By Tame’e Taufa
The Giant Weta were here when the dinosaurs were alive.They are now 190 million years old and that is old.If you need some facts about the Giant Weta, this will be a great report for you.
Physical Features:
The Giant Weta are 190 million years old and that is really old.
I heard that the giant weta were here when the dinosaurs were alive.
They also have spikes on their legs to defend themselves against enemies.The weta has 3 main body parts: the head,the thorax and the abdomen.
Waikato has a place for weta to live in and to be looked after, called theMahoenui Reserve and some live in other forests and trees.
The weta love the gorse flowers, and other invertebrate creatures which are really small.
Main Threats:
It hates fire because it destroys its habitats.I have been loving weta since Mrs Holderness told us about them and I think it is a great to talk about them so I hope you’ve learnt something.